Friday, March 25, 2011


Refresh my heart in Christ”- Philemon 1:20

In the life and day of the almost college sophomore it becomes easy to actually realize how difficult freshman year of college actually is.

Don’t get me wrong, College is a blast!

But it’s also extremely difficult. The transitions, the roommates, new faces, conformity, trying to find your place to fit in while also trying to discover who you really are as an independent “adult.”

 It seems as though freshman year doesn’t start making sense until it’s almost over! It’s almost April and I can honestly say as of right now I finally feel as though college is a natural part of life.

 That being said, it seems that during the year long transition we are so worried about not doing enough and tend to put the things that are familiar to us on the back burner for a while. Our faith and relationship with God is probably one of the first things to be put aside. The security that God will always be there seems to implant this idea that we just need him for the hard times…. Wrong!

 Now that I have finally moved out of the “timid college freshman that is eager to be involved and befriend everyone I meet” stage and I am actually comfortable with myself and who I have become.

 I found this line in Philemon while reading my bible last night.  “Refresh my heart in Christ” I think this is a great reminder for everyone. We all are put through trials and heartache during some point in our lives. It’s exhausting to constantly stay strong and hopeful. Once we prevail and God shows us the silver lining, life seems to calm down. During this point it is so good to just sit back and refresh our lives with the one who fills us up to the highest.

 God is so good. During the good and bad times he is there carrying us, walking with us, laughing with us and loving us. It’s like refueling the car after a long tedious drive. Strengthening our selves even more!

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